
Showing posts from May, 2020

Corona Update May 31

Corona Update May 31  USA The White House rebuked the top US health agency  saying  "it let the country down" on providing testing crucial to the battle against the corona virus  outbreak . The Centers for Disease Control and  Prevention  has been under intense scrutiny since producing a faulty test for COVID-19 that  caused  weeks of delays in the US response. Critics have pointed out it could simply have  accepted  testing kits made by the World Health Organization, which has been producing them since late January,  instead  of insisting on developing its own. "Early on in this crisis, the CDC, which really had the most  trusted  brand around the world in this space, really let the country down with the testing,"  White House  official Peter Navarro told NBC. "Because not only did they keep the  testing  within the bureaucracy, they had a bad test. And that did set us...

5 Job Tips to Prepared During Corona

5 Job Tips to Prepared During Corona Most HR departments and  managers  are just getting everyone up to speed on the logistics and daily routines of a fully remote  workforce  so it might be difficult to reach people in the first few weeks of the  transition , says Kathleen Landers, executive director of SEQUENCE  Counseling  and Consulting Services in Silver Spring, MD. Plus, “people have a lot of  concerns —they might have elderly parents, relatives in other countries, young  children  to take care of, even their own health  issues .” Be prepared for job  openings  to be put on hold or disappear, even if they’ve been open for a while. That doesn’t  mean  they won’t open up again in a few months. Landers admits she  herself  was getting ready to hire someone but decided to put that on hold for a few  weeks . “If I can tell my business will maintain the same level of  income  a...